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  • Writer's pictureMs. E Warner

Screen-Free, Nature-Focused Activities for Preschool

For little ones, hands-on, play-based learning is truly where they thrive. As many educators and parents are moving to at-home learning, I wanted to share ten wholesome activities that can be completed with few or no materials, all away from a screen and while enjoying your backyard.

Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Start by labeling a bag or basket with a number. Then, decide and label with a specific shape or color. Whatever you decide, that is the challenge! For example, I may start by labeling my bag "5 Brown" or "8 Circles." Head outside and start the search! For an extra challenge, play a song to set as a timer.

Backyard Observations

Take a moment and find a safe space to sit in the yard. Take three deep breaths then close your eyes. What do you hear? Now, open your eyes. What do you see? Any animals or birds? What colors? Are the leaves moving or still? Finally, take a moment to reflect. What do you wonder? How do you feel?

Leaf Collection

Collect 10 leaves from around your yard or neighborhood. Now, its time to analyze your selections. Are they different or the same? Try to sort your leaves by color, size, then shape. Document your findings by gluing the leaves into a Nature Notebook.

Rock Sorting

Search for 10 rocks in your yard or neighborhood. Sort these rocks by size, by lining them in order from smallest to biggest. Another rock challenge could be to search for 5 rocks smaller than a quarter.

Building Challenge

Use this prompt as a guide to your building exploration: What can you build using only sticks and dirt?

Natural ABCs

Start by collecting small items from nature. This may include small rocks, twigs, leaves, etc. Your challenge is to form these materials into the letters of the alphabet.

Underground Discovery

With parents' permission, find a small space in the backyard. Use tools or your hands to dig. What creatures can you find? Are there any small roots or plants? How does it feel? When you are finished, don't forget to fill the hole back so nobody trips in your nature exploration center!

Measurement Walk

How far is your back door to the large oak tree? Here's your opportunity to find out. Choose an object you'd like to measure to and find a starting point. Now count how many steps it takes to reach your destination. For an added challenge, find another object to measure to and compare the results.

Find-It Bottles

Recycle an old water bottle or clean peanut butter jar by creating a find-it bottle. To do so, find 5-10 small items from your backyard to place in your bottle. This could be items like acorns, seeds, leaves, twigs, small pinecones, or any other items you can find. Alternate between filling your bottle with your small items and plain dry rice. Continue until your bottle is mostly full. Be sure to leave a little space at the top so the items can relocate. Now shake your bottle and the discovery begins! If you would like, create a written list so you never forget what is inside your bottle.

Nature Walk

Lastly, just take a few deep breaths and go on a walk with loved ones. You'll be amazed what some family time and fresh air can do for your soul.

Keep exploring nature,

Ms. E Warner


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